“All this change…shifting they call it….but love is the only thing that really transforms us in any meaningful way.”
– Thomas Styles, Shift
Thomas “Styles” grew up in upstate, New York. He completed his degree path at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York. He received his BS in Elementary Education and his MS in Developmental Reading from the State University of New York at Albany. He spent twelve years teaching elementary school and an additional thirteen years spearheading the growth of his childcare business, TSL Adventures, which is more often the focus of his blog. He raised two awesome kids and has traveled extensively throughout the world. He has most recently written two adult manuscripts entitled Shift, and The Fortress, which are previewed on his website. He has not yet decided on the publication route for these works, but if you have any questions about them feel free to contact him!
Also visit Styles on Twitter @StylesCrew1161 and his Fiverr handle @kidscrew.
Forthcoming books by Thomas Styles